24th SEPTEMBER 2020
Over lockdown I started putting together a new storytelling show over on Twitch. A couple of chilled storytelling streams with some lovely viewers and a show came out of it. I filmed that show at the beginning of September and the video is a gnat's bollock away from being ready.
I will be 'premiering' (an overly grand term, you're right but you know what I mean) the 'special' (an overly grand term, you're right but you know what I mean) over on my Twitch channel on Wednesday 30th September. It is absolutely free and if you want to get involved and join in the chat you'll need a Twitch account but you can easily watch the stream without one.
Following streaming the show on Twitch, the plan is to make the video available as a download in the near future, probably from this website and likely in the region of just £5. You can view a trailer type thing just to the right of these words. Hope you enjoy and hopefully you can make it along to the 'watch party' (an overly grand term, you're right but you know what I mean) on Wednesday.
Wednesday 30th September | 9pm BST |
6th JULY 2020
After Thursday night's Mystery on the Rocks livestream I was semi-forced into doing my own solo stream as a kind of 'after party'. Despite not intending to, and being quite drunk, I had a whale of a time. I was planning on streaming on Twitch at some point anyway but still had to decide exactly what I would do on there but now I've been thrown in at the deep end, I will be live on Twitch semi-regularly.
Watch this space for a full schedule soon, but for now why not head over to my Twitch channel and give me a follow? That way you'll get a notification for when the adventure begins...

4th JULY 2020
Mystery on the Rocks recently embarked upon a special miniseries, delving into the murders, mysteries and intrigue of Hollywood. Still found in the same place, on the same feed, and released every Thursday our Hollyood Case Files feature myself, Sooz and Masud drinking cocktails and looking at mysteries all themed around the glamour and seedy underbelly of Hollywood...
So far we've covered the death of Virginia Rappe and the murder of William Desmond Taylor and we've got plenty more to come!
Make sure you're subscribed in all of the usual podcasty places to make sure you don't miss out!
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Acast and more!

19th MAY 2020
The podcast I do with Masud Milas and Twitter Sensation™ Sooz Kempner is going LIVE on Thursday 28th May at 8pm over on Twitch!
Special guest: YOU
Join us for a no-doubt chaotic livestreamed show with cocktails, mysteries and laughs. In a recent episode we had to bleep out a name in case we got hella sued so, with no such safety blanket this time, what sort of trouble are we going to get ourselves in!?
Grab a cocktail and find out!
This is an entirely interactive Mystery on the Rocks show. Before Covid we were planning on doing many more live shows and so this, we feel, is the next best thing. We'll announce ingredients ahead of time so you can make-along-a-cocktail with Masud, which mystery we cover will be voted for live by you and for the first time you can help Sooz write the song!
We can't wait and hope you can join us. Come along and bring everyone you know - the more the merrier!
So make sure you head HERE on Thursday 28th May 8pm (well, right after the clap of course)...
You can listen to and subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Acast and more!

12th DECEMBER 2019
Last week, we officially launched Season Two of Mystery on the Rocks!
We kicked off with the incomparable Milton Jones (have a listen here) and a case ripped straight from the headlines at the time of recording - the robbery of the gold toilet from Blenheim Palace.
Coming up we have the utterly fantastic Jen Brister, host of the smash hit 'Hoovering' podcast and star of 'Live at the Apollo' Jess Fostekew, the legendary Paul Rose aka Mr Biffo off of Teletext's 'Digitiser' and The Dark Room's John Robertson among many others...
Each week Masud serves us two delicious cocktails while we pore over an unsolved mystery or unexplained phenomenon and Sooz plays us out at the end. If that sounds like your sort of thing you can check out all 22 episodes of Season One and stick around for the remaining treats Season Two has to offer on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Acast and more!
Here's Masud whipping up just one of the drinks we shared with Milton in our Season Two premiere...
6th JULY 2019
This year I will be heading to Latitude Festival twice over! Not only will I be back on the Cabaret Stage doing stand-up on the Saturday afternoon, but I am also thrilled that Mystery on the Rocks, the podcast I do with Sooz Kempner, Masud Milas and the folk at Studio71 UK which mixes cocktails, song and unsolved mysteries has been asked to pop along too!
For the first time ever we'll be bringing the show to life onstage as part of the festival's new podcast stage The Listening Post. We can't wait to do the show live and are honoured to be one of the first shows on Latitude's new podcast venture.
We will be on the Friday evening so if you're at Latitude swing by to see Masud whip up some cocktails and Sooz belt out a tune or two while we all try to make sense of a real life mystery.
Anything could happen!
Be sure to download the Latitude app to schedule your weekend and be sure to mark a visit to Mystery on the Rocks!

10th JUNE 2019
As part of Hot Water Comedy Club's new online subscription service Hot Water Originals (launched today), I will be filming a stand-up special at the club's Front Room venue at 5pm on Sunday 23rd June. It will be free entry and the show will be a full length solo show comprised of the very best material of my 5 shows to date. If you were in or around Liverpool, or know anyone who is, I would dearly love the room to be as full as possible to help the filming go as swimmingly as possible.
I'm very excited to be filming a show at (the now world-famous) Hot Water and you'll be able to see the show on their newly minted subscription service which you can subscribe to at the link above. It costs a mere £2.89 a month and they'll release 2 full stand-up specials a week.
The filming of mine is free entry but you can reserve tickets HERE, MATE.
Sunday 23rd June
5pm (doors 4:30pm)
45 Hardman St, L1 9AS

28th MARCH 2019
Mystery on the Rocks Podcast Launched!
Today a new podcast which mixes comedy, cocktails and unsolved mysteries launches with THREE whole episodes!
You can find the feeds at the links below or find us on your preferred podcast apps. We'd really like you to come along on the ride so don't forget to subscribe and we'd love it if you left us a review and a rating.
iTunes / Spotify / Acast
Our first three episodes feature the force of nature Nick Helm tackling the mystery in room 1046, podcaster, comedian and awesomely cool drag king Kemah Bob trying to solve the strange death of Alexandria Berstecher and the utterly wonderful Jay Foreman walking through the strange disappearance of Keith Reinhard, all over delicious cocktails made by mixology whizz Masud Milas before Sooz Kempner tickles the ivories to play us out on a song.
Tell your friends! These are so much fun to record and we'd love as many people to hear them as possible!

8th MARCH 2019
Mystery on the Rocks Podcast Coming Soon!
Not content with the Natural Born Storytellers podcast currently dropping every Monday, I am also proud to announce the imminent arrival of another new podcast...
Mystery on the Rocks is produced by the fantastic people at Studio71 UK and features myself, Masud Milas and Sooz Kempner welcoming a fantastic guest to help try to solve an unexplained or unsolved mystery over cocktails. As well as being a brilliant comic, Masud is also a mean mixologist, making our cocktails from scratch while Sooz throws her considerable musical talents at picking up on clues throughout the show before combining them all into one song which she plays us out on. I just talk and stuff.
It's really fun and we're very proud of it; we can't wait for you to hear it. We've got some great episodes already in the can and we're launching later this month. However, you can find the feed and subscribe at the links below now! Maybe take in the trailer while you're there?
iTunes / Spotify / Acast

8th JANUARY 2019
Natural Born Storytellers Podcast Now Available!
Natural Born Storytellers, the collective of which I am part, has been running live storytelling nights for over 5 years and this January sees the launch of the official Natural Born Storytellers Podcast. Produced by Nic Sims of Green Barge Audio and hosted by the NBS team; Michael Kossew, Natalie Petz, Jools Constant and myself.
With a new episode available every Monday, it is a weekly podcast of true-life storytelling featuring some of our favourite stories from our live nights all blended together with some brief discussions about why storytelling is so important and why we have chosen to feature a particular story. Each episode is around the digestible 10 minute mark so, if you wanted to start your week with a quick burst of true-life storytelling, this is the podcast for you!
If you want to give the podcast a listen, you can at the following places, and don't forget to subscribe!
As ever, if you're interested in coming along to one of our live nights (and I can't stress enough how wonderful I think these shows are) then remember to check out the Natural Born Storytellers website.

22nd DECEMBER 2018
Limited 2-4-1 Tickets to VAULT Festival Shows Now Available
There are now limited 2-4-1 tickets available to my VAULT Festival show, which runs from 27th February to 3rd March, if you buy them via the Stagedoor App.
Merry Christmas and see you in 2019!

5th DECEMBER 2018
VAULT Festival Shows Now on Sale
Next year, I'm taking my show 'We Don't Need Roads' around the country to some lovely little venues but first, to kick it off, I'm doing a 5 night run at 2019's VAULT Festival end of February/beginning of March. I've been doing comedy for a while now but this is my biggest leap of faith, a run of this length in a London theatre, small though it is.
So, please come along, bring friends, the more the merrier. The show is my favourite I've done and I can't wait to take up residency at the Network Theatre for a week during VAULT.
Come along and show me I can chew precisely what I bite off...
27th Feb - 3rd Mar
Network Theatre
246A Lower Road, Lambeth, SE1 8SJ

6th NOVEMBER 2018
Nine Lessons & Carols for Curious People
I am thrilled to have been asked to appear on the bill for one of Robin Ince's 'Nine Lessons & Carols for Curious People' this year. The shows take place next month and I will be appearing at the 20th December show.
Last year saw the triumphant return of Nine Lessons and Carols for Godless People after a couple of years absence. So after four sold out nights in 2017, it's back for more, with a slight change of name.
These shows have always been about celebrating the best humanity has to offer and our curiosity about the universe around us. That’s something The Cosmic Shambles Network has always been about too. So this year, we’ve made the slightest of adjustments to the name.
Welcome to Nine Lessons and Carols for Curious People. We’re at a time in human history where positive curiosity has never been in more demand. So across four nights this December you can expect the same sort of shambles as always. Rose D’Or winner Robin Ince hosts the variety night like no other. Science, comedy, music, poetry and many other things that will cause us to overrun…
The shows will be taking place;
Kings Place, 90 York Way, N1 9AG, KING'S CROSS
December 14th, 15th, 19th and 20th
More information, including tickets and line-ups, can be found by going here.

11th SEPTEMBER 2018
17th OCTOBER 2018
Jason Manford Tour Support, Southend
Tomorrow night, I will be supporting Jason Manford at the Southend date of his nationwide 'Muddle Class' tour at the beautiful seaside venue of Cliffs Pavillion.
This is, as you may be able to tell by the date, a short notice development but I do believe there are still a handful of tickets available in the balcony, which can be found at the link below.
Cliffs Pavillion

London Date for 'We Don't Need Roads'
The Fringe may be over but there's still life in the show I took up there. On Friday 28th September, Sooz Kempner and I will be doing our Edinburgh shows at Tufnell Park's swanky Aces & Eights Saloon Bar.
Doors open at 7:45pm and you can reserve your tickets for £5 from the following place...
If you missed the show in Edinburgh and were around the capital on the 28th then this is your chance. Sooz's show is stone-cold brilliant as well so I really recommend coming along.
Hope you can make it!
£5 in advance or Pay What You Want

30th JULY 2018
Fringe Run Starts This Thursday!
This is the calm before the storm. This coming Thursday my brand new stand-up show 'We Don't Need Roads' begins its Edinburgh Fringe run. It is my 5th solo show and after having completed all the work-in-progress shows I am really very happy with it and can't wait to get started. I'm sure you've already booked several tickets each, right? But if not, you can buy tickets for £5 in advance to guarantee a seat from the link below or pay what you want by donation at the venue. See you there!
Yeah I will.
7:40pm (1hr)
The Tron, Hunter Square, EH1 1QW
2-26 Aug (not 13)

28th JUNE 2018
Updated List of New Show Previews
5 or so weeks left until the beginning of the Edinburgh Fringe and with the work-in-progress shows so far being really rather fun I thought I would just let y'all know that a "last minute" preview has been added next week on Wednesday 4th July at 20:00 in The Rose & Crown, Kentish Town. What better way to celebrate the United States' Independence Day than in a cool, hip basement of a London pub watching my new Edinburgh show come together along with the hilarious Faye Treacy's debut solo show do the same? It's free too, so pop along.
And, while I've got you, here are the remaining previews before the show kicks off its Fringe run...
2nd July - TRINGE FESTIVAL, Court Theatre, Tring LAST FEW TICKETS
4th July - THE ROSE & CROWN, Kentish Town, FREE
6th July - TRI PRANA, 124 Philip Lane, Tottenham, £5 on the door
8th July - NEW BARRACK TAVERN, 601 Penistone Rd, Sheffield, S6 2GA - 2PM SHOW
8th July - CUTTY SARK, Greenwich, On the Actual F**king Boat, TICKETS
12th July - PINTS DOES PREVIEWS, Twenty-One, Pier Approach, Southend-on-Sea, £5
24th July - SMOKE & MIRRORS, 8 Denmark St, Bristol, INFO
25th July - FAT PENGUIN, 142 Trafalgar Road, B13 8BX, Birmingham
See you at one of those maybe?
14th JUNE 2018
Shiny Shiny Final Edinburgh Fringe Poster
The poster for my new show is finished and ready to adorn the walls, fences, stairwells and toilet cubicles of the Scottish capital. I'm really rather pleased with it and think the team have done a grand job.
That team being Karla Gowlett, who took the snaps, and Mark Taylor, who very, very patiently composed the design.
Anyway, it's this thing to the right --------->
7th JUNE 2018
The News Quiz
Last week I was thrilled to write on the last in the most recent series of Radio 4's News Quiz. It was a fun couple of days (what with Babchenko's murder then resurrection happening as we were writing the show) and you can listen to the episode for the next 24 days at the following link.
This one here.
The panellists are Angela Barnes, Jeremy Hardy, Helen Lewis and Susan Calman with, of course, the brilliant Miles Jupp hosting. I think it's a pretty good episode to be honest, which I'm not just saying because I contributed to it.
Also, keep 'em peeled for more Edinburgh Fringe stuff coming soon.
16th APRIL 2018
More Edinburgh Preview Dates
Now the Fringe is well and truly looming on the horizon, I'm throwing myself at every opportunity to preview the show when and where I can beforehand. There will be more, but at the moment here are the currently confirmed preview dates...
16th April - 6:45pm - THE BILL MURRAY - LONDON
16th May - 8:00pm - SLATE GALLERY - LEAMINGTON SPA (w/ Scott Bennett) - TICKETS
6th June - 8:00pm - THE ROSE & CROWN - KENTISH TOWN - LONDON (w/ Faye Treacy)
8th June - CROYDON COMEDY FESTIVAL (Time, venue TBA)
14th June - 8:00pm - MIDLANDS ARTS CENTRE - BIRMINGHAM (w/ Lloyd Lanford) - TICKETS
2nd July - 8:00pm - COURT THEATRE - TRINGE FESTIVAL - TRING (w/ Nina Conti) - TICKETS
6th July - 7:30pm - TRI PRANA - TOTTENHAM - LONDON (w/ Henry Paker)
8th July - 7:30pm - THE CUTTY SARK - GREENWICH - LONDON (w/ Felicity Ward)
12th July - 8:00pm - TWENTY-ONE - SOUTHEND-ON-SEA (w/ Helen Duff)
24th July - 8:00pm - SMOKE & MIRRORS - BRISTOL (w/ Milo McCabe)
Any of those that might look a little vague, it's because further details haven't been finalised yet. When they are, and when more dates come in, I will be updating with the relevant deets.
Maybe see you at one of those previews?

20th MARCH 2018
Vegfest Brighton Vegan Comedy
This weekend sees the annual Vegfest Brighton. It takes place over the Saturday and Sunday and, as is now customary, there is comedy throughout both days. It's usually a fun gig and well worth popping in if you are at the event. I will be headlining on the Sunday after an array of some very fine vegan comedians have already entertained a room full of vegans and vegan-curious people for most of the day.
As well as comedy, Vegfest is pretty good for lots of other stuff - there is brilliant food, talks, cookery demos and opportunities to chat with various charities and good causes. I enjoy spending a couple of hours there and am looking forward to performing 40-odd minutes of stand-up while full of hot dogs, burgers, pizza, cookies, chocolate and beer.
The website for the event can be found here. If you are thinking of popping along, tickets can still be purchased from here, mate.

16th MARCH 2018
Edinburgh Fringe Show NOW ON SALE
My brand new solo stand-up show will be coming to the Edinburgh Fringe this August and - get this, guys - it is on sale right now!
The new show is called 'We Don't Need Roads' and will run from the 2nd - 26th August (but not the 13th) at 7:40pm at the excellent, brilliant, wonderful venue The Tron on Hunter Sq, which falls under the Just the Tonic banner.
I'm really excited to take the show up to Edinburgh and would love to see you there. The show will be 'Pay What You Want' (namely, free to get in with a pay-what-you-can donation afterwards) but you can guarantee a seat and pre-book for £5.
Coming to the Fringe? Come along to the show and say hi!
2-26 Aug (not 13), 7:40pm
The Tron, 9 Hunter Sq, Edinburgh, EH1 1QW
(That isn't the poster to the right by the way, just an image with relevant information on using a photo by the exemplary Karla Gowlett. She's ace)

1st MARCH 2018
Edinburgh Fringe & Work-in-Progress Dates
It is official, I shall be returning to the Edinburgh Fringe with my fifth solo stand-up show this August. Tickets will be on sale in the coming weeks, when I will confirm the venue and time of the show, as well as the title which is still up in the air. I am really excited to head back to the Fringe after having sat last year's out. I'm really enjoying writing the show and, to that end, there are currently some work-in-progress dates around the land in the diary.
More will come, but for now you can see these previews of the show at the following dates and places:
39 Queens Head St, Angel, N1 8NQ
£5 (or Pay What You Want at the venue) TICKETS
(more info TBC)
Cannon Hill Park, Queen's Ride, Birmingham, B12 9QH
(with Lloyd Langford - TICKETS COMING SOON)
King William Walk, London SE10 9HT
(with Felicity Ward - more info TBC)
(with Helen Duff - more info TBC)
When more are confirmed, they'll go right up here and on the Gigs page. As well as working on my own show for the Fringe this year, I am also directing the brilliant Faye Treacy's debut solo show which will also be taking place this August. Keep an eye out here for when and where she'll be previewing that show. I think it's going to be a great show.
If you can't make it up to the Fringe this year then it'd be strawberry cheesecake (nice) to see you at one of the previews!

4th JANUARY 2018
New Show Preview at 2Northdown
Happy New Year!
Later this month I will be doing the first preview of the year of 'Eternalist', the new solo show I will be taking to Edinburgh this year.
It will be at the excellent 2Northdown venue, formerly The Invisible Dot, at 9pm on a Tuesday because FUCK SCHOOL AM I RIGHT!?
It'd be lovely to see you there, tickets can be found at the link above and I am planning for it to be a really fun evening. Might get sushi beforehand!
Tuesday 23rd January
2NORTHDOWN, 2 Northdown St, King's Cross, N1 9BG

29th OCTOBER 2017
New Solo Show in the West Midlands
This Saturday (4th November) I will be running through my new solo show 'Eternalist' as part of the Funny Things Black Country festival. It's still early stages for the show but I feel good about it. Plus the relaxed vibe at the lovely Lych Gate Tavern will help add to the intimate loose feel of it.
Tickets are available to prebook at the link above but you can also turn up on the night and Pay What You Want upon exit, should there be any seats left. Between you and me, I think there will likely be on account of so many other events happening in the city that night.
Anyway, be great to see you!
Saturday 4th November
THE LYCH GATE TAVERN, 44 Queen Square, Wolverhampton, WV1
Expect ruminations on time, space, love, death, reality and teeth.

6th OCTOBER 2017
Benefit Gig for Barry & Helen Crimmins
On Monday 23rd October, the wonderful Robin Ince and Mark Thomas have arranged a benefit gig to help the crusading comic and activist Barry Crimmins be able to afford the much needed care for his seriously ill wife Helen.
From the mouth of Robin Ince - ‘We decided we should put on a benefit to try to make sure that Barry doesn’t have to keep leaving Helen to go on the road to pay for her treatment when they should be together during this time.'
I myself used to joke that Barry Crimmins was better than Bill Hicks, with the added bonus that he didn’t die in 1994. We should all be thankful that he didn’t because the work he has done, both as a comic and an activist, has been monumental. That he should now find himself in a situation where he cannot personally care for Helen so that he can afford to pay for her care is a cruel paradox borne out of a system which does not see the importance of free health care.
I am delighted, honoured and humbled to be on the bill for this outstanding gig, which will also feature
Tickets went on sale Monday morning and might go sharpish so if you fancy coming and helping out both Barry & Helen AND the CLIC children's cancer charity then snap up some tickets quick!
New Wimbledon Theatre, 7pm

15th SEPTEMBER 2017
Natural Born Storytellers 'Back to School'
This coming Wednesday (20th September) sees the first night of the new season of Natural Born Storytellers. Our theme for this month's night is Back To School.
Bullies, detentions, best friends, terrible lunches, free milk, British Bulldog, Stuck in the Mud, boyfriends, girlfriends, favourite teachers and worst enemies. What did school mean for you? We'll be sharing stories that take us back to school.
Want to hear them? Want to tell one? Come along!
There is something for everyone at Natural Born Storytellers.
Natural Born Storytellers, 8pm, The Camden Head, 100 Camden High St

22nd AUGUST 2017
Natural Born Storytellers Announcement
From September onward I am delighted to be taking over the splendid storytelling night Natural Born Storytellers at The Camden Head in Camden. Alongside Jools Constant I will be keeping the night going while founder and regular host takes an extended break. If you've never been before, it's an excellent little night on the third Wednesday of every month where all manner of stories are told around whatever the theme is that month.
For more information, have a look at the website or this Facebook page.
I'm really looking forward to this...

12th JULY 2017
Stand Up For Animals - Humane Society International Fundraiser
This November I will once again be taking part in the Humane Society International's Fundraiser, Stand Up For Animals at the Comedy Store London. It's a great bill in aid of an excellent cause (it even has a raffle, dontcha know) and, as well as including Your Pal Stokes, the line-up features brilliant comics such as Carl Donnelly, Lou Sanders, Tom Ward and Michael Legge, with more to be announced.
November 6th - Comedy Store, 1a Oxendon St, London SW1Y 4EE

15th JUNE 2017
8th JUNE 2017
New Show 'ETERNALIST' Now On Sale
My new show is now on sale as part of this year's Camden Fringe. I'm doing it 3 times at The Bill Murray, on the dates at the times below. This will be my 5th solo show and these will be early versions of it with a view to taking it in full to next year's Edinburgh Fringe. As well as the Camden dates, there are 2 work-in-progress dates beforehand.
All information and links are below. I'd love to see you at the show!
Brand new show from award-winning comedian Chris Stokes (BBC Three, Dave, Radio 4), as featured on the BBC New Talent Hotlist 2017.
"One impressive comic" New Statesman.
"Very gifted... Has the talent to one day have the world at his feet" The List.
A stand-up show about time, space, love, reality and teeth.
As a child of 8, Chris went to the dentist and something weird happened, something which led Chris (now a child of 33) to consider the possibility that past and present exist simultaneously.
What, then, does that imply for the future?
"Genuine epiphanies as well as laughs" Chortle.
"Promises laughter from start to finish" EdFestMag.
"Very funny, well-crafted stand-up" Broadway Baby.
"Real talent" The Skinny.
July 8th - STANLEY HALLS, SOUTH NORWOOD, 12 S Norwood Hill, London SE25 6AB (Tickets)
July 25th - CUTTY SARK, w/ JOHN ROBINS (Michael Edwards Studio Theatre) (Tickets)
July 31st - THE BILL MURRAY, 39 Queens Head St, N1 8NQ (Tickets)
August 14th - THE BILL MURRAY, 39 Queens Head St, N1 8NQ (Tickets)
August 21st - THE BILL MURRAY, 39 Queens Head St, N1 8NQ (Tickets)
If you can make any of those then do pop down. Bring a friend, even, if you gots one.

BBC Three Short
I made a short thing for BBC Three's comedy strand 'Life Lessons' and it has now gone live. I'm very proud of it and would like to thank everyone involved for making it at the BBC, Phil McIntyre Television and Rumpus.
As well as my gormless face, the short features the wonderful Sooz Kempner, the formidable Sandra Hale and the sublime Toby Williams. It was directed by the excellent Dan Lucchesi and produced by the brilliant Lewis Hatfull at Rumpus.
We're all very happy with it, its all-important 'stats' and, crucially, with how much conversation it has generated since going up. Give it a watch and, if you're a vegan, relate like hell or, if you're not a vegan, shake your head at how picky and difficult we are.
16th MAY 2017
New Solo Show 'ETERNALIST'
My new solo show is called 'ETERNALIST' and will be previewed in the coming months. I shall not be taking it to the Edinburgh Fringe this year on account of heading out as the gherkin on the Milton Jones burger but I will be doing early versions of it at the Camden Fringe.
Tickets will be on sale soon but if you're an eager beaver and wanted to 'save the date', the three performances will be at The Bill Murray, 39 Queens Head Street, N1 8NQ on the following dates...
31st JULY - 6:30pm £5
14th AUGUST - 6:30pm £5
21st AUGUST - 6:30pm £5
More details about the show to follow!

24th APRIL 2017
Soho Theatre Run
I am thrilled to be performing 2 shows at the Soho Theatre in June. It's a venue which I have always wanted to play and they are letting me do 2 nights of my little old stand-up show.
It is a pleasure to be performing there but it would be a greater pleasure if you came along to one of them.
Tickets are on sale now and can be found here.
Soho Theatre, 21 Dean St, Soho, LONDON W1D 3NE
24th APRIL 2017
Milton Jones Tour
Once again I will be the gherkin on the burger and supporting the brilliant Milton Jones on his UK tour. I had such fun on the last one and am delighted to be on board for this one.
Tickets for 'Milton Jones is Out There' are on sale now and more information can be found here.
Take a look to see if we are coming anywhere near you.
28th OCTOBER 2016

Two New 'The Man Delusion' Dates
19th SEPTEMBER 2016
The first of these is this coming Wednesday (2nd November) in Newcastle at;
The Bottle Shop, St James' Blvd, Waterloo Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4DN
More information can be found here.
Secondly, the show will come back to London on Thursday 17th November at;
Angel 2.0, 39 Queens Head Street, London N1 8NQ
This will be recorded (so come and be loud!) and is free in (with an optional donation at the end). More information can be found here.
The Man Delusion - London Date, Tickets Now Available
So I have returned from Edinburgh, unprepared to say goodbye to my show. In my opinion, it was my best show yet (and I would know, I've seen all of my shows) and I loved performing it.
As a result, I have been working like a Dr Frankenstein on 15 cans of knock-off energy drink to extend its precious life beyond the Fringe (pun, as you suspected, intended). So I am delighted to have been asked to do the show as part of the Tellit Storytelling Festival.
The Man Delusion will be at The Camden Head, 100 Camden High St, LONDON NW1 0LU on FRIDAY 21st OCTOBER
Tickets can be found here.
Please keep checking back here for more news on where and when I'll be doing the show again.
28th JULY 2016
The Man Delusion - Edinburgh Fringe 'Trailer'
People making trailers for the shows they are taking up to the Edinburgh Fringe seems to be quite the thing this year, so I thought I would make a short promotional video for my new show too.
Only problem is - the show hasn't been done yet so there are no clips to use for it. Therefore, I have decided to just use punchlines from a previous show with zero context whatsoever.
There are 2 more chances left to see the show in preview form before it opens in Edinburgh on Wednesday. Tomorrow at The Old Truman Brewery and Saturday afternoon at the Gillygate in York.

19th JULY 2016
Extra Preview on 29th July in Spitalfields
The Fringe is now startlingly close and so preview season begins its wind down. However, because I am a right old worrying Bernard, I've added an extra preview because I realised how little time there was left and how few previews were left.
So! Come to the Old Truman Brewery in Spitalfields on 29th July for lots of comedy topped off by a run-through of my new THE MAN DELUSION. Then, after that, there is but one left - at the Gillygate Shed as part of the Great Yorkhire Fringe. Then it's to the 'Burgh.

12th JULY 2016
Tickets Now Available to Pre-Book for Cardiff Preview
This coming Monday (18th July), I am once again doing a work-in-progress of the show I will be taking to this year's Edinburgh Fringe - this time in Cardiff as part of the Cardiff Comedy Festival. Tickets are now available to pre-book, should you wish to do so and can be done so here.
There is one preview before that, too. This Friday (15th July), I will be running the show through at Evesham Arts Centre on the same evening the brilliant Alfie Moore test drives his new show. Tickets for that one are still available from this place.